All Lives Matter, Except Black

Recognize what this is,…..we are living in a moment……This is our Moment! Hakim Crampton 2020 has been quite a remarkable year that will most definitely be written about in history books. In my 36 years living on this earth, I myself have never experienced anything close to what we are going through at this veryContinue reading “All Lives Matter, Except Black”

America Not Ready For A Woman President

“Bigotry is based on deception, of oneself and of others.” DaShanne Stokes 2020 makes 100 years since women in the United States were given the so called “right” to vote, African American women only 55 years. When I realized that it was only 20 years before I was born that women in my family wereContinue reading “America Not Ready For A Woman President”

Community Soldiers on the Frontlines

Last wednesday I had a wonderful opportunity to assist Radiant Church, Beacon Church, and Jackson Housing Commission on a mission to feed 300 people in Reed Manor Apartments. One of the hardest things about being on this lockdown is I really miss our residents. The hardest thing to deal with during this covid 19 epidemicContinue reading “Community Soldiers on the Frontlines”

Phones Update More Than Schools

The nation’s school system did not suddenly decline. Imagine a golden age of schooling, perhaps the 1950s. The highest test scores of that period would be inadequate for the present. Arthur Levine I’ve always argued our school systems grading system. I would constantly get in trouble for bringing home C’s and D’s. I would explainContinue reading “Phones Update More Than Schools”

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