
Understanding the effects of Trauma and Abuse

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”

Laurell K Hamilton

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence says on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, which they say equals to 10 million men and women each year. You can actually ask women that you come across and this I can almost guarantee, One out of every Four you ask have experienced severe physical violence in a domestic relationship.

As a caseworker I get to see the effects of trauma daily. I guess my point in writing this article is to partially vent about a problem that I see daily, but also to help someone recognize that sometimes instead of asking what’s wrong with this person we should ask, What happened to this person?

I started with some known stats on domestic violence because it is one of the most known causes of trauma that people, men and women go through, but it’s not the only one. In fact, 1 in 6 adults have experienced four or more types of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) 5 out of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with ACEs.

What is an adverse childhood experience? Well basically it’s a big phrase for saying a person has went through something that was traumatic for them. It could be Dad divorced Mom when you was 14, or it could be Dad comes home drunk often and beats Mom and everyone in the house. Sometimes these traumatic experiences get so bad ,because they come from people we know and love. These events leave scars that run deeper than any eye can see. I have spoken to rape survivors that have lived their lives for years with the sadness, having to constantly face her rapist because he is a family member and the whole event was pushed under the rug in order to keep the families name in good standing. This is the pattern we need to stop.

Generational curses believe it or not are real, and I’ve seen time after time how it affects families year after year. Men grow up watching their mothers get beat often grow up to beat their wives and his daughters will often choose men who will beat them. This is the cycle of generational abuse. We grow up being desensitized to the trauma and the violence that it becomes our way of life.

In African American culture it is well known that we speak our own language, we have our own fashion, and we definitely have problems on a systematic level that need to be addressed. I am thankful for organizations like Partial to Girls which help empower woman and show them that there’s a better way for them. It’s going to take a lot more of us to stand up and start speaking our stories out loud. That way people who hear them will have the courage to do the first thing they need to do to survive which is to speak up and tell someone.

I once heard an educated middle aged white woman speak up to a crowd and say look at me, I’m smart, beautiful, and I am also a victim of domestic violence. She said that it happens to millions of women all over the world. She said in front of everyone in the conference that the way she got away was to tell people. She told the neighbors, she told the police, she told he family, and she told strangers. See what she knew was that the situation she was in was very dangerous and she would need to do it the right way to make sure she was not hurt. In England the U.N. did a study and they said out of 87,000 people killed worldwide in 2017, 58% of them victims died of domestic or family violence.

This is something that we can change. Men we have to understand the impact of the actions we are committing. Every time you put your hands on the mother of your children, what does that say to your children? How does that make your son feel about you? Would you want someone to treat your daughter that way? Chances are someone will, that is the sad reality we are facing if we don’t do something now to break the curse. Women and men alike have to teach their son’s and daughter’s that putting their hands on people is not the way to get over our anger. This right here is one of the strongest reasons why I do not believe in spanking and yelling at your children like they the enemies. I’ve seen people traumatically abuse their own children calling them names that you wouldn’t believe a person would say to a child. What we need is to start teaching our young men and women accountability. Also we can teach them the signs that will warn them early that they are facing a domestic abuser. The sad part is that some men don’t even realize that they themselves are abusive so women have to understand and recognize the signs.

Taken directly from the https://ncadv.org/signs-of-abuse


What Are the “Warning Signs” of an Abuser?

Red flags and warning signs of an abuser include but are not limited to:

  • Extreme jealousy
  • Possessiveness
  • Unpredictability
  • A bad temper
  • Cruelty to animals
  • Verbal abuse
  • Extremely controlling behavior
  • Antiquated beliefs about roles of women and men in relationships
  • Forced sex or disregard of their partner’s unwillingness to have sex
  • Sabotage of birth control methods or refusal to honor agreed upon methods
  • Blaming the victim for anything bad that happens
  • Sabotage or obstruction of the victim’s ability to work or attend school
  • Controls all the finances
  • Abuse of other family members, children or pets
  • Accusations of the victim flirting with others or having an affair
  • Control of what the victim wears and how they act
  • Demeaning the victim either privately or publicly
  • Embarrassment or humiliation of the victim in front of others
  • Harassment of the victim at work

For anonymous, confidential help available 24/7, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) now.


All Lives Matter, Except Black

Recognize what this is,…..we are living in a moment……This is our Moment!

Hakim Crampton

2020 has been quite a remarkable year that will most definitely be written about in history books. In my 36 years living on this earth, I myself have never experienced anything close to what we are going through at this very moment. I have never seen so much love and unity amongst people from all walks of life. I have witnessed a new generation born. They are young, hungry, and tired of the old status quo. They reject the teachings and prejudices of their ancestors and they will lead the revolution into the future. A future that Dr King dreamed of. A future Malcom X never thought would be possible.

Recognize the moment. Nascar a predominantly white american sport has banned the confederate flag from being flown in and during their races. Turn on any sports radio show and there are broadcasters not talking sports but talking about black lives and the importance of black lives. Weird times I have to admit, as a black man I’m not used to it and it’s really sad. We had to watch a man die for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, experiencing trauma that cannot be unseen. As George Floyd cried out for his mother to help him every mother on this earth felt that. As a man I watched with tears welling up in my eyes wanting to jump through the screen to help this man. At that moment I didn’t see a criminal. I saw a man desperate for life. I saw father and I saw myself.

I am George Floyd

I’m always the first to admit my past and my former ways of thinking led me to many encounters with police officers. I have been treated fairly and with respect by some, and I also have been beaten by others. It really just depends on the person. Some take the badge as a pass for anything goes. Some hold the badge with honor. Either way our society has taken a job which is meant to serve and protect and turned it into the biggest gang in our Country. Some simply don’t understand politics and how much it plays a factor in the policing strategies enforced upon us. Our neighborhoods are patrolled more than others, and the most shocking fact is that our neighborhoods are being watched over by people we don’t even know. Officers from places we cannot afford to buy land in. Officers who don’t know the cultural differences of the people they serve. Officers that have no connections to the community they serve.

The United States criminal justice system is the largest in the world. At year end 2015, over 6.7 million individuals 1) were under some form of correctional control in the United States, including 2.2 million incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons and jails.2) The U.S. is a world leader in its rate of incarceration, dwarfing the rate of nearly every other nation.3)

Such broad statistics mask the racial disparity that pervades the U.S. criminal justice system, and for African Americans in particular. African Americans are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, and they are more likely to experience lengthy prison sentences. African-American adults are 5.9 times as likely to be incarcerated than whites and Hispanics are 3.1 times as likely.4) As of 2001, one of every three black boys born in that year could expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as could one of every six Latinos—compared to one of every seventeen white boys.5) Racial and ethnic disparities among women are less substantial than among men but remain prevalent.6)

The source of such disparities is deeper and more systemic than explicit racial discrimination. The United States in effect operates two distinct criminal justice systems: one for wealthy people and another for poor people and people of color. The wealthy can access a vigorous adversary system replete with constitutional protections for defendants. Yet the experiences of poor and minority defendants within the criminal justice system often differ substantially from that model due to a number of factors, each of which contributes to the overrepresentation of such individuals in the system. As former Georgetown Law Professor David Cole states in his book No Equal Justice,

These double standards are not, of course, explicit; on the face of it, the criminal law is color-blind and class-blind. But in a sense, this only makes the problem worse. The rhetoric of the criminal justice system sends the message that our society carefully protects everyone’s constitutional rights, but in practice the rules assure that law enforcement prerogatives will generally prevail over the rights of minorities and the poor. By affording criminal suspects substantial constitutional rights in theory, the Supreme Court validates the results of the criminal justice system as fair. That formal fairness obscures the systemic concerns that ought to be raised by the fact that the prison population is overwhelmingly poor and disproportionately black.7)


We know All Lives Matter, but these black lives are being overlooked

Black people make up 14% of Michigan’s population but represent 40% of coronavirus deaths so far.

A lot of people look at these numbers and think the government is cooking the stats, or they inherently place the blame upon the Black people themselves chalking their plight up as cultural choices. Wrong! The Coronavirus had exposed America leaving us naked and vulnerable for the whole world to see. America doesn’t take care of it’s Black population. Now I’m not gonna bore you with meaningless stats but there’s a few key pieces that I would like to go over to prove my point. When you make a statement as bold as this one you have to have solid proof, but using some stats from our counties DHS it is very easy to see.

Healthcare Disparities

The biggest reason covid 19 is affecting the African American community is our healthcare system in general. Studies have shown that Blacks are less likely than whites to receive proper care and are also less likely to have the same access to proper care as their white counterparts. Studies show in Michigan the average life expectancy at birth for white males is 78.7, while black males 69.1. 10 year difference? Is this really chalked up to as poor life choices. Let’s look at some more numbers.

Blacks are more susceptible to Strokes and also heart disease. A big factor in this is access to fresh food options, and good grocery stores.

I know I said I wasn’t gonna bore you with stats but the numbers pretty much tell the whole story. Once you begin to studying the facts you can easily see some key factors that are at play to systemically that keep the black population unhealthy. Let’s look at the south side of Jackson where the African american community is largest. There are approximately 8 party stores within a 2.5 mile radius, while zero grocery stores. The public buses have a two bag limit so a person on the southside of town has no viable options for fresh fruit and vegetables leaving them with the processed food that is heavily marketed in these types of areas. We have party stores that sell fried foods for $1, as well as cigarettes, lottery, hot chips, and $1 shots of alcohol and beers. Walk on the street of any of these stores and you will literally see hundreds of empty $1 shots, cigarette butts, and bad lotto scratch offs. I know people have to do better at making choices but we also have to do better at providing us with better options. What drives me most crazy about our society is that we market so much evil to our and when they act upon the things they are taught then we turn around and call them monsters. Drugs, violence, and licentious sex dominates our children’s eyes and ears with every movie, video game, and music video. Yes we as a people have to do better with choices but society has to also show us that all lives matter. That every life has value, and equity. Help us by supporting us in first understanding why we are screaming black lives matter. Do not cause us further to be separated by society and it’s old ways.

As always spread love not hate. Positive energy over negative. Love you all


Corona Blues

Quarantine orders brought down high chains resonating loudest amongst the poor. The ones unable to stock up two weeks of supplies. Already living check to check. For them the idea of buying up two weeks worth of supplies is frightening and seemingly impossible. For one food stamps don’t hit until the 20th of the month and money don’t come until the 3rd of the month. What am I supposed to do in this situation. I have no choice but to continue life the only way I know how.

African American people are one of the most resilient races on the planet earth. Maybe I can say this is one of the weirdest and most conflicting effects of slavery. We as a people have been through so much generational trauma that our bodies and minds have been conditioned to “bad times”. We have become desensitized to many things that would cause the average american trauma. This has given us a false sense of security, and maybe a little ignorance. Too often I’ve seen friends and family totally ignore this coronavirus and share memes saying it’s 5g, or fake news. Then I counter with real numbers showing the damage this virus is doing on african american cities and I get shrugs with responses such as, ” The government been trying to take us out forever now. Why worry about it now?”

Covid 19 simply isn’t scary enough to keep people in the house. Sad to say but in my opinion very true. Most people still feel as though the government panicked and is overreacting by shutting everything down. I even saw one man comment on a schools facebook page calling them stupid and irresponsible for closing school down until further notice due to covid. He felt as if we didn’t have enough information at that time, which we didn’t, but that wasn’t the schools fault it was our President.

From the very beginning our president had been downplaying coronavirus covid 19. He said it was flat out fake news! Ever since that first announcement all I’ve seen was this 5g conspiracy. As a person who loves technology and fast devices I am extremely excited for 5g. I have followed phone technology for over 10 years and I’ve always understood computers. I understand that communication is the most important resource we as a people have and to evolve it’s technology should always be a high priority. I’ve studied more on radiation since this lockdown then I ever cared to in my past. All I can say is study non ionizing radio waves.

The hardest part of this quarantine is that the low income community is forced to live life like regular. There is no quarantine for a person who works at Meijer or Walmart. A lot of people work fast food and are not afforded the luxury of work from home. In my opinion everyone forced to work in these conditions should be receiving some type of hazard pay. I also think about my residents who are disabled and living check to check, which only comes once a month. Imagine what this quarantine looks like for a person who can only afford to shop on the first or the third of every month. Will they have enough supplies to stay in?

Photo by Alison Leedham on Pexels.com

Bored Yet

Loneliness is one of the biggest issues we have amongst this crisis. It was already a major issue in the low income community and we have even seen grants like the S.I.M. (State Innovation Model) were designed to tackle the issue of loneliness by creating community living rooms where people can come relax and socialize. With these shutdowns we had to close these rooms which left a lot of people with nowhere to go. The only saving grace I have is that we are all in this together. My wife said to me “you never wanted to go anywhere until you were told not too.” This resonated with me simply because of my past life of rebelliousness. Was this my subconscious screaming out for attention? I don’t know, maybe. One thing I can understand is the “need” for attention. Everyone needs some type of attention, whether it be a facebook post, or being the life of the party. No matter what type of attention whether negative or positive we as people have a natural inclination to gravitate towards it. No wonder people are having a hard time staying in the house. Think about the person who suffers from mental health and feels incapable of being alone, should he be judged because of it?

The judgement I’m seeing on facebook makes me cringe. A lot of people get on there and make assumptions without possessing any real facts. Before we judge people when we see them in the grocery store walking down isles together laughing and joking with no cares, let us first have consideration for the magnitude of the challenge we have as a society. It is extremely hard for people to force themselves into extreme isolation and we cannot be upset with them if they fail. Yes we can admonish the college students who went on spring break, but the person you see with kids playing in their yard? No. What else is a person to do with three children cooped up for hours? The parks are all closed for children to play. As long as it’s just your household playing in your yard I don’t see a problem with that, but many people do.

I think we must look at this quarantine as some type of restart at life. Learn to love each other in ways we used to. Remember, love is not a emotion. Love is an action. It is the act that shows love, not a feeling or speech. If we learn to really take care of each other and drop the selfishness our people will really see some change. We need more community soldiers! The other thing we can focus on is self. Understanding who you are as a person, what you want in life, who or what you would like to become, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and what your heart desires? Learning self can take you a long way. Many people get so wrapped up with the cares of life that they end of pushing self to the back. Never knowing what it is that gives them true joy, real happiness. It wasn’t until I started writing again for work that I realized something in me “really” liked it. Funny how it all happened but working for a living showed me what my true passions were. I had no idea three years ago I would be so passionate about advocating, and being a helping hand. I never would have imagined me working for Community Action Agency, and never could I have saw myself doing so much work for free. I was raised by men who worked and expected to receive their just do after putting their hard earned time in. I was taught a man who don’t work, don’t eat.

I guess all of this is really just my way of saying during this lockdown let us not focus on what everyone else is doing, but let us focus on us and ways we can be better. For us first, our families second, and our community. I truly believe that our city is a city of love. We have more resources, organizations, and churches than I’ve ever seen! So many smiling faces willing to give back. I attend many trainings with social workers from all over Michigan. One of the most common traits of this working community is that they all have been through something. Many of them have high ACES scores. I believe that is the reason they choose to do the work they do. That experience of going through whatever it is you went through molds you into wanting to help others who may experience something similar to what you went through. If we all can come together, I believe we as a community would become self sufficient, and financially free. That’s for another discussion.

Like always, stay safe, keep the piece, and always when you can spread life and not death. Speak positive and not negative. The universe needs balance and right now I fear it has been out of balance for quite some time. Now is the time to get people to come together with love. Respect this virus an do the right thing, stay away. Be careful out there. Love, peace and happiness to all.


America Not Ready For A Woman President

“Bigotry is based on deception, of oneself and of others.”

DaShanne Stokes

2020 makes 100 years since women in the United States were given the so called “right” to vote, African American women only 55 years. When I realized that it was only 20 years before I was born that women in my family were even allowed to walk up to the polls, it proved my feelings even more. It’s really sad that after all this time we still live in a country that separates people through classism, racism, and sexism. Martin Luther King had a dream, and his dream has come true. We are making major improvements in leaps and bounds, but in many areas we are still struggling for that perfect picture of equality. I truly fear equality will never be achieved simply because the country we live in and it’s principle of capitalism. Capitalism thrives off of one group making money off the other. Without the poor working and buying up all the products, the rich wouldn’t be rich. I personally have a dream. A dream where my daughter can walk down the street and not be judged by her outward beauty but by her intellect and nature. I pray for a day where she can go to work and get the same treatment as any other man in her field, and not have to subject herself to dealing with sexual harassment, and unequal pay. For the day where she can look in the mirror and be proud of who she is and not let a magazine determine what true beauty is. Sadly, until we change the perception of what a woman is and should be we will be a long ways away from seeing woman get this dream.

I said to my wife the other day, ” Wouldn’t it be pretty cool to see a successful single mother become President of the United States!”

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

President Obama was a blessing to the African American community for more reasons then I can actually say here, but one of the biggest things he did was show our young men that there are higher places to reach! Women have grown and evolved much since gaining rights to vote. Now a days women are going further in education and becoming primary breadwinners in their homes. Holding down higher positions and for longer than ever before in our history. Numbers show that during the last recession our country had in 2010, women held jobs as men lost them. This in my opinion was the shift that changed the economic landscape of our communities and we saw the great role reversal. It was very common during those times to see men staying home, cooking, cleaning, and watching the children as the wife or girlfriend went to work or school. Some woman were left to fight this fight alone and number show how hard it is on them.

Single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80 percent of single-parent families are headed by single mothers — nearly a third of those live in poverty.


Imagine the inspiration our daughters would get from turning on the news and seeing a strong woman lead our country with intelligence and compassion like we’ve never seen before. No one on earth loves harder than mothers. A woman can run and manage things a man simply cannot. They tune in to things we cannot perceive. Every man can attest to the feeling of knowing that his wife knows everything. She can sense when you are doing wrong, and when you are hurt and in need. She cares for her house, her career, and her children. All while balancing her goals and aspirations.

Why I feel America isn’t ready for a woman to lead our country is because of our choice in current President. When this man said he grabbed women by the crotch I was most positive that women in our country would not vote for him, but sadly I was proven very wrong. Not only did they vote for him but they love him. Which furthers shows why we are not ready. Do to old and out dated traditions and values women still don’t appreciate themselves. They still struggle with self respect, and owning their current role in society. Women are strong but yet weak in this one aspect as to always deferring to man. How else could women ride with a man who shows you daily he has no respect for them and only views them as pieces of meat to be looked at and conquered. A man who does not respect the intelligence a woman possesses. Point proven with how he treats Governor Whittemore.

Our media still plays a major role on the sexism in our country. We sell sex and we tell our women that they are not beautiful because they don’t look like the women that they show us daily on tv, movies, and magazines. Plastic surgery has become the new norm in our society and women of all races are lining up for bigger booties and smaller wastelines. Constantly social media glorifies women who twerk and show off more parts of their bodies than ever was allowed when I was growing up. Kids are experimenting with sex younger and younger, having babies early and earlier. It’s time for us to show better role models for our young women to look up to.

In order to reverse the current trends we as men have to step up and protect the rights of women. If not for our sakes think about our daughters that we will leave behind. Generation after generation of women with your dna destined for the same or something better? We need to let the women in our lives know that they are valued, and that we understand that their beauty is forever. We need to uplift our women and fight for them to be treated the same as we are. Our country still struggles in many areas but let us not continue to treat women the way we do. One of the major hurdles standing in the way of women equality is religion. Religion has a tradition of devaluing the women subjecting her role to follower of man and nothing else. Still to this day women who preach are looked at as if it’s some sin against God himself. Until we change perception reality will always be what it is today. We must teach our women that they are more than sex symbols. That she does not have to show her body to generate worth. She is destined for more than a stripper pole and high heels. Today’s woman is smart, beautiful. Not because of her outward appearance but because of her soul, and her compassion. She is ready to evolve into her truest form, if we allow her.

Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com

Phones Update More Than Schools

The nation’s school system did not suddenly decline. Imagine a golden age of schooling, perhaps the 1950s. The highest test scores of that period would be inadequate for the present.

Arthur Levine

I’ve always argued our school systems grading system. I would constantly get in trouble for bringing home C’s and D’s. I would explain to my dad that this only meant that I was average. Also meaning just as smart as most of the people we come in contact with, so what’s wrong with that?

Our school systems here in America are seriously behind. It’s sad that we have been teaching children the same industrial way since the 1950s. We do not encourage free thinking, or creativeness. We create factory workers, and we ship children from schools to prisons.

It is well known in the education community that some schools are targeting minorities, and children with disabilities, instead of preparing them for their success they are preparing them for prison. With policies aimed toward discrimination. They use it as a tool to further oppress low income communities.

Phones update more than schools

It’s 2020 and the sad thing is our phones, computers, and even tvs have all evolved faster than our school systems. We have been teaching kids the same way for hundreds of years. Once I was on my own as a young adult I realized all of the things school didn’t prepare me for. I realized my school never taught financial responsibility, they didn’t show me the connections of how the current lessons they were teaching would relate to my everyday life. I mean outside of math teachers. They constantly remind you that you’re going to need math in order to survive. I get that, but what I’m talking about is really preparing kids for their future. Everyone is not the same. Science has taught us many things over the years, and I believe it is time to start to recognize the patterns in people. We are all different but in a weird way we are all the same. Some of us need attention some don’t. Some people thrive under pressure and some can not. When it comes to people there is no one way to skin a cat. In my 35 years of life I have come across men who are financially wealthy, who went to college, got good career jobs, and are living the dream. I also know men who have bachelor’s degrees and work at Dollar general. I know women with art degrees working in shoe stores. I have also met men who have never attended middle school, but yet are successful owning multiple houses and properties. I know farmers who only went to school to learn to read and write and now have millions. So what does school really do for you now a days? Will it teach you how to be ready for the current world we live in? I don’t think so. Our school system was built and molded during a time where people lived simple lives. During those times, we trained women to stay home and make babies. Men were expected to work in factories or farm. This was the american way of life, at that time. Now we do not farm in the way they did. We do not manufacture the way they did. We have robots which can do the work it took 10 men to do. We are living in a time where brain power and innovation is worth millions. Instead of teaching children how to sit still for four hours and raise hands when spoken to. Why not teach children to think freely. To be inquisitive, and then once a child finds himself mold that child and tailor him for his future. For instance, If you see as a teacher a child who excels in working with his hands and is very creative. Gear that child’s education to his specific needs.

The factory model of education shows that schools were originally built to train future factory workers during the industrial revolution. The belief at the time was “the back door of the school lead to the front door of the factory”, and students should only be taught the essential skills required to become a successful factory worker. 

From Factory to Personalized Learning

Educators are now realizing several barriers that once stood in the way of an individual’s ability to learn. One simply overlooked barrier is dialect. Most textbooks in school are written in a very standard form of english that many inner city people simply do not speak. It is quite common in low income neighborhoods to hear words and terms used in ways typical english does not. For instance now a days the children say. “No Cap”, as a way of saying “I’m telling the truth, or not lying”. If someone calls you an “Opp or Opps”, that means you are looked at as an enemy or opposition.

In my opinion we need to change the way textbooks are written. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel just alter it a little bit to tailor the needs of our children. I wouldn’t create ebonics textbooks, but what I would do is teach children correct sentences and verbiage through music. Music is something that every child engages with. I know two year old children that kow whole Cardi B songs. Sad, but true. We could use music and lyrical education to totally change the way our children communicate.

We need to give children choices and teach them consequences. Action and reaction. That’s the real way the world works anyway. For every action there is a reaction. If you commit a crime, you go to jail. If you don’t pay your bills your car’s gone. This is the way of our lives. I believe too many children are mislead into life thinking the old models of life will apply for them today. Many of our children are suffering with PTSD like symptoms from ACES they have suffered with since birth. We know what that type of trauma does to the brain and it’s decision making abilities. We now can ask what happened to this child? Instead of asking what’s wrong with it.

We need to teach our children programming and coding. Computers and robots are the future. A young man who can program CNC machines fresh out of high school would be very valuable to a company for 40 years! Instead of teaching outdated history filled with lies and misleading information. We could fill that with time where we teach children to create things with their minds. Teach them to innovate. I feel like America doesn’t invent anything anymore. India has now blown us away when it comes to technology and education. We can change that by teaching our children technology early.

Personalized learning catering a child’s education based upon their ability to learn it is going to be key to success. We can accurately measure where a child is and give them the extra learning in the areas where they need it. This way no child is left behind, and it will show children that teachers and educators really care and are not trying to shove this cookie cutter way of things at you. Every child is not the same and we cannot continue to treat their education as if they are all going to be the same. In other country I hear they learn multiple methods to solve a problem. In america we teach one so as not to confuse the children. Even math is wrong sometimes, depending on where you go in the world.

Changing the way we educate and tailoring it to the world we live in today is going to be crucial to really making a difference in our children’s education. Today’s high school student should be ready and prepared for today’s workforce. Some schools are starting to understand this and are offering career skills with classes that offer job skills tailored for specific companies needs. How we could do this in Jackson is by creating a cnc class. Teach young men to run and program these machines. Doing this will almost guarantee a better start for these children then we had. Imagine a four year class during high school and once you graduate you can apply for TAC or MACI. In my opinion this would be amazing. What are your thoughts on this? What change would you make in our school systems? Should career development be more of a focus in high school or college? Leave me a comment with your response!

Like alway Jackson, be careful out there during this crisis. Guard your family with care. Don’t forget about the underprivileged ones. Before we buy things we don’t need just think about the one person who may need those items. Survival does not have to include selfishness. The way we react during times like this defines who we are as people! Love you always Jackson.


I Had COVID 19 And Recovered

*Disclaimer: I have not been tested for Coronavirus COVID19*

I know this article looks like click bait, but please hear me out for a bit. Never would I have made a thought like this public, but I have talked to many people here in Michigan that feel the same way I do about this. At first, like everyone else, I thought this virus was some government scam. Some type of conspiracy, especially when the President said it was fake news. The thing that made me pay attention was all the shutdowns. When did the coronavirus first hit the United States?

The novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 was first detected in the U.S. on Jan. 20 in a 35-year-old man who had traveled to Wuhan, China, before returning to Washington state. Since then, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease has spread to at least 65,625 people in the U.S., across all 50 states. (Taken from) https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-updates-united-states.html

Why I Felt I Had Coronavirus?

I live in Jackson, Michigan. I go to work like everyone else, I barely take sick days. This one morning was much different than any other morning I’ve had in my life! I wake up every morning before the sun. Typically around 5am. I usually spend this time thanking Our Great Creator, reflecting on gratitudes, and lastly ordering my days tasks. Needless to say, I enjoy this quiet time and it has become essetial to the success of my day.

Flashback to January 29th, 2020. I suffer from insomnia so it’s not uncommon for me to run a full days workload off of 4 hours of sleep. This was one of those days where I only slept a few hours and as a lifelong asthma sufferer I was feeling like an elephant was on my chest. I was having a hard time breathing, I had a cough that made me feel like something would come up but nothing ever did, and I had a terrible fever.

Against the judgement of my wife, I Dr googled my symptoms and determined that I was suffering from the Flu. Which wouldn’t have been a far stretch, since I work in the field I do, I come in contact with many people in a week. On top of that, my wife works at the hospital, and my daughter is also a medical assistant at HFA. My exposure level to all the latest colds and viruses is always high.

This one like I said before was different. I felt a fatigue like no other. I slept a considerable amount of the day, while taking a steady 4 hour regimen of cold and flu medicine, while every few hours I would drink some Hot tea or soup.

Just to be clear, none of these things worked. Only time I felt any comfort was when I was laying down. Soon as I would stand up, my head would feel light, airy, and unstable. I had a constant fever the whole day. Only managed by the constant every four hours of taking cold and flu pills. I distinctly remember asking my mom to look out for me and pick my wife up from work for me, because obviously I’m too sick to even move

Like any other mother, mines felt the need to bring me some hot soup and other sick supplies. When she came through the door, she immediately saw me lying on the couch. I was totally covered from head to toe. I had layers of clothing on plus a hoodie and my blanket covering me completely. I was drenched in sweat. My wife yells at me, “What’s wrong with you? You can’t cover up like that while you have a fever! You’re going to kill yourself doing that s!##!” My response, just like a man was, ” I’m sweating the virus out. I got this.” You could literally smell the virus spewing out of my pores. My body a smell similar to something rotting. My wife advised I should take a shower to in her words, “wash the sickness off.”

I did that, and it worked. After my steaming hot shower I felt a whole lot better. Actually, I believe it was the combination of two straight days of taking cold and flu medicine while limiting food intake to hot fluids and soups. I believe my body being healthy and strong had time to build up the antibodies to be able to defeat the virus. I have personally worked through episodes of walking pneumonia, I have fought through bronchitis, and bad asthma days. This time, I could do nothing. I had zero energy. None. Scrolling Facebook was even too much for me. I’ve never experienced anything like this is my life. Took me a total of 3 days before I was able to get back to my regular routine, but I was still slower than usual. Wasn’t as sharp as I usually am. The breathing issues would improve over the course of the next few days.

While at home suffering I researched different home remedies, and formulas for staying healthy. I really started researching vegan, and paleo diets. I stumbled across the amazing Black and began studying the uses of it. One of the things that amazed me about it was that it had so many medical properties. I found articles from medical journals where studies were done with black seed oil versus various illnesses from a wide range. Asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, cough, headache, eczema, fever, dizziness and the flu. Black cumin is known as the oil of the Pharaohs as black cumin seeds supposedly appeared in the tomb of Tutankhamun so that its properties would accompany him in the afterlife. Cleopatra used black seed oil in her bath, and Nefertiti used black seed oil as part of her skin care routine. Why haven’t I ever heard of this wonder drug of a plant? Seems to me that our government makes a lot of money off of us being sick. Therefore, they care less about giving us information that will really keep us healthy. They tend to ban all things used to naturally heal. For example canibus, mushrooms, and Dmt. Read this article for further clarification. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/fast-acting-psychedelic-associated-with-improvements-in-depressionanxiety

Just because I believe I’ve personally come in contact with COVID 19, it doesn’t mean that my experience will be the same as yours. My personal home remedies may not work with you. Don’t do like me and not see a doctor. At the time, there was no tests available for COVID 19, so I treated my sickness like the flu. If I had experienced even one of those symptoms now, I would be storming to the hospital to get checked. Young and healthy people are dying from this. I believe us men will definitely suffer from this because we have stigmatised going to the doctor and just being sick in general. Many men I know will skip the doctor and just self care. I feel sorry for their wives. Especially if they are anything like me when they are sick. If you are coughing a dry cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of smell, or taste. Please go see a doctor to get tested immediately.

Like always, stay safe Jackson. I love you. I have a list of a few resources you may need during this time I will list them here.

If you are calling CAA for assistance here are some helpful numbers:

Jackson – 517-784-4800

  • If you need help and have a child in Head Start or Early Head Start dial 1228
  • Veteran Services dial 1229
  • Housing (non-Veteran) dial 1294
  • Utility Assistance dial 1222 and leave a message
  • Weatherization dial 1272
  • Volunteer Income Tax Program dial 1237 and leave a message
  • Buying a House or Financial Stability services dial 1280
  • Facing Tax or Mortgage Foreclosure dial 1280
  • To reach the CEO dial 1241




501 South Elm Avenue | Jackson, MI 49203 | (517) 879-5680


(1 miles from selected location)



801 South Mechanic Street | Jackson, MI 49203 | (517) 784-7580


(1 miles from selected location)



806 East Pearl Street | Jackson, MI 49201 | (517) 782-7185



(1 miles from selected location)


Delivers food directly to the homes of those in need.

711 Francis Street | Jackson, MI 49202 | (517) 783-1295


(1 miles from selected location)


Delivers food directly to the homes of those in need.

301 South Mechanic Street | Jackson, MI 49201 | (517) 788-3424


(1 miles from selected location)


Delivers food directly to the homes of those in need.

717 North Waterloo Street | Jackson, MI 49202 | (517) 782-6990



(2 miles from selected location)


Provides a program that delivers warm, well balanced meals to home-bound clients, at noon, dur …

1715 Lansing Avenue | Suite 672 | Jackson, MI 49202 | (517) 788-4364


Officially Counted

Understanding the importance of being counted

Are we really going to sit back and ignore the Census? Why do I need to fill this out? Doesn’t the government already know all they need to know about me? Do I really need to give them all my personal information? What will this do for me and my family?

I will be the first to admit that many of these questions came out of my mouth in the past. I used to do like many of you. Totally ignore the census, mostly out of fear. I didn’t want the government in my business. I didn’t want Uncle Sam to know anything extra about me. Little did I know, everytime I did that, I would be hurting people in my community. People that I may know and love. I realized that through the census the government makes a lot of important decisions. Choices that affect me and every other person living below the poverty line.

What is the Census?

To be plain, the census is a count of all the people in the U.S. and territories. It is actually part of our Constitution that every ten years we must count how many people are living in the United States of America. Data from the census helps small business owners with important stats and numbers which they may use to tailor their business around the demographic of their community.

Don’t throw it away, fill it out

Getting an accurate count of how many people are in your house, how many in your city, your state, and our country, determines which schools get funding, and which ones don’t. Which schools get needed upgrades. What cities get raises for their civil service workers, and what cities lose workers due to cutbacks. We think these things don’t affect us until we go to drop our babies off at Head Start and no teachers are there, and the lights are turned off. We don’t care about the Census until we are about to get our lights cut off and we have to go to United Way, Dhhs, or Community Action Agency. The last thing you wanna hear in that situation is; we ran out of funding.

Don’t just think about yourself. Think about 33,000 citizens of Jackson Michigan. Some doing well, living off a generation of hard work. Others struggling to survive the effects of systematic oppression. Think about the programs which support our mental health community, our children’s programs, and our shelters. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and you’ve done your part in being a COMMUNITY SOLDIER!


Mind Over Depression

Nobody said life would be easy. They only said it would be hard. I don’t quite remember where I heard this, maybe it was a song, but I say it all the time. I say it so much that I pretty much coined, and rebranded the phrase. When it comes to depression I’ve come to realize that sadness is just, a state of mind. We are the only ones who can determine what’s happiness, and further what’s sadness. When you understand where the true battle lies it will give you some understanding on how to fight the war.

Sadness, like I mentioned before, is subjective. What makes you sad as a person may not make the next person even blink an eye. Understanding this helps me realize that what I’m feeling, is exactly that, just a feeling. A feeling is tied to emotions and emotions can be understood and conquered as well. What helps control the mind is to practice. We have to continually choose to do, sometimes the total opposite of what our first mind says,or wants. For clarification what I’m talking about is redirecting your train of thoughts to match your current will. When I’m in the gym, and my body wants to quit. I often tell myself in my mind. I am the master of this vessel, and you will quit when I tell you to quit! Doing this helps my body to understand that it is not in control, but I am. This is an essential tool when developing personal discipline.

How does this help my depression?

Really there’s no one size fits all approach to mental health. Even doctors in my opinion have a hard time with mental health, because in order for it to work patient, and doctor, both have to be on the same page. When a doctor prescribes a medication he is basically trying to see if this medication will give you the proper chemical balance needed to stabilize your mood. It’s not the medications job to make you happy. Remember happiness is subjective. You have to work closely with your provider in order to let them know what works, and what doesn’t. For me, I chose not to use western medications, and chose to use meditation, and other forms of natural remedies. I realized a long time ago that I control my happiness through gratification.

Gratitude: is being grateful, or thankful. I took a challenge once, and I started everyday with naming things around me that I was grateful for. It started simple like I’m grateful for shelter, for being able to provide, thankful for my wife, and my children. You know things like that. Then I took it even deeper, and started to be thankful for the sun shining, for the moon, for animals, and for all the natural beauties that this world has to offer. Not only did I start truly being thankful for these things. I also started learning, and training myself to appreciate the small things. It’s these small things in life that get overlooked because we are too busy worrying about stressful things. We get so focused on rent, consumers, and car payments that we don’t take the time to enjoy the beauty of the sky as the sun fades across the sky. We don’t take time to appreciate our loved ones, and friends because we are so busy worried about our children, or our careers.

I often consider two voices everyone has inside of their heads. There’s always one really loud voice. I like to call that voice the subconscious. Subconsciousness is being in a state of mind where you’re really not aware consciously to make thought. For example If I told you, today you would be a millionaire. You’re subconscious brain has already said, “Yeah right!” It didn’t have to think about it, but yet the thought just came. That’s because your subconscious is trained, and developed over time. Phycologist have learned that the subconscious brain is developed, and grown through your past experiences, and upbringing. People who grew up poor when told they will be rich will most always reject that, because subconsciously your brain knows it’s class. Rich people on the other hand, when you tell them they will get another million by the end of the day, they will see it as possible and in fact, will get up and try to make it happen.

This is where I’ve learned to control the subconscious mind by rejecting it’s thoughts when the thoughts become negative, and don’t line up with my current goals. Whenever that loud voice blares through telling me that I am sad, or woe is me. I turn it around and start thanking for my troubles, or being grateful for good times I know will come. Learning to decipher the voices is the first step to creating a balanced mind, and the best part is anyone can start at any time. Like I said all it takes is practice. You might fail today, but tomorrow will be better. Constantly remind yourself that every war is not won off of one battle. It takes many wins and losses to win a war. Do not get discouraged. Instead, find new tools to add to your toolbox that will help you win! Everything doesn’t work for everybody. Find what works for you. Talk to your doctor about alternative options, and no matter what, always think positive.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 23:7

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”

Romans 12:2

Building Bridges

This picture is absolutely one of my wife’s favorite pictures of me. She says it makes her cry sometimes when she looks at it. For the longest of time I couldn’t understand why this picture would make her cry. It was one of the happiest moments in my life. To give you some context allow me to first give you some background on my story. This way you can see the connection the way I see it.

I used to be a hustler, and a selfish one at that. I used to believe it was me against the world. Growing up in an environment where everyday I fought to find acceptance and true love. I found that so called love and acceptance in the streets. Streets where there were many people who looked just like me and had similar stories to the very ones I was running from. Living in this life I learned a code. Something like Proverbs for the streets. This code taught to me by a OG, was a set of rules that every man who chooses this life should follow in order to find success and good karma. Yes in the early 2000s gangstas had consciousness of both life and death. Things were different then.

Your Word Is All You Have

It is well said, “There’s no honor amongst thieves.” That is very true, but when it comes to those who hustle, your word is the only true possession of value. Your word can make or break you. It can protect you and save you during times of possible violence. It can bail you out when you are in trouble. Especially during financial troubles such as times like this. We have quarantines that shut down jobs, and further restrict us from being able to take care of ourselves. During times like this, the more people you have in your corner, the more successful you will be. The streets taught me this in life, and now I will show you why this is so important to learn.

People must learn to value, and appreciate the little things in life. My grandfather always said, “If a man has one friend, he is truly blessed.” I used to think I’m good, I got mad (a lot of) friends. I was in high school back then, and like many life lessons I was given by him, went totally over my head. I didn’t understand what a true friend is. I hadn’t experienced enough life, hadn’t been through enough situations, and most importantly time. I hadn’t experienced time, and what that does to friends and people in general. Understand that a true friend is someone who you don’t even have to speak to everyday, but one day you look up and realize. You realize that everytime you needed something whether it was just a simple ear, or maybe it was advice. Whether through the good times and the bad this person was always there for you with no judgment, no resentment or jealousy. Just plain love. This is when you realize that these simple connections in life are the ones of value. These are the ones that we often take for granted. Took me 30 years, but one day it really took to me, to value and cherish relationships, of all kinds. That’s why I named my organization ALL KINDS. I blossomed through my experiences in life, and now I finally understand the importance of a connection. These connections I like to look at as bridges that allow me to travel across gaps that try to impede my journey!

Bridging The Gap

Back to this photo. As a resource specialist, one of my jobs was finding resources for our tenants, and visitors of the community living room. (Located inside of Reed Manor.) One day Bob, our Feed Thy Neighbor Head Chef, asked me to ride with him to Aunt Millie’s bread store. We get there and it so happens we leave with a massive amount of bread we purchased for hardly nothing. I mean we had so much bread that we filled the entire Jackson Housing Commission van with bread. We passed out so much bread, it made me feel like a much cleaner Nino Brown from New Jack City. You know the scene where he was passing out them turkeys on Thanksgiving! I took this picture to show my wife because she happened to know the lady who worked there. That’s why I was cheesing so hard in this picture. I was stupid filled with joy and happiness. It was a connection, that allowed me to make all of this happen. A connection I made through a friend of a friend. Crazy! This is still mind blowing to me. This side of life is still new to me.

My personal journey has taken me across many paths, obstacles, hurdles, mountains, and just about anything a person could experience in this hamster wheel we call life. Through them, I have evolved from a person who was selfish in nature to a person who cares, and feels the pain of others. This picture constantly reminds me of why it is important to value every relationship with every person you may meet. You never know who will become a resource for you during time of need.

Keeping your word true and always being a good friend in return will allow you to keep, and blossom your relationships. No matter what kind of relationship you are in whether friend, or love. Your partner will want you to treat them as you would want to be treated yourself. That’s the key. Never allow your friend to go unappreciated, and unloved. Let them know sometime that you value their friendship. Let your partner know that you value and cherish their love. This alone is a important step in our bonding connection.

Time’s like this we have to use every resource available. Do not ruin friendships, connections, resources by not doing what you are supposed to do. So many times in life I’ve met young men stuck in situations and I asked them, where are your parents? Where your friends at? You don’t have anyone to call? Almost every time this happens because the person has ruined every connection, every friendship, and every lifeline they used to have. People who struggle with addiction face this reality sooner than most. Learning to appreciate the people you have in your life will get you a long way. No matter if you only have one true friend, remember you are truly blessed.

“People don’t mind helping people who are willing to help themselves.”

My Grandma


Fear Or Information

“Our country is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear.”

Douglas MacArthurhttps://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/douglas_macarthur_169261?src=t_hysteria

While this last week has spun our great country into a whirlwind of emotions. We find ourselves asking ourselves many questions. Some simple as, is this real? What is the government really hiding? When did this virus really get here? How great a risk is this virus to me, health wise? Questions that we are supposed to have the answers to are being avoided and sometimes even given misleading information to.

When Did this epidemic start? How many tests kits are there? How is our small city prepared to handle this? Why is everyone buying up all the toilet tissue? One thing that is clearly evident all around is that we are not prepared for this type of crisis.

Calm Down, We Will Beat Covid 19

Sunday March 15th I sat from my house and watched several live videos from several churches on Facebook. The common theme in almost every sermon today was a quote from Ephesians. No weapon formed against me shall prosper! Amen, my brothers and sisters, but let us also use some common sense in this situation. In the year 2020 we understand science and how certain things work. One thing we as a people must do is use some caution and understand that this virus is a very real threat, but at the same time, also understand that this threat is one that we can defeat. We may not have a vaccine for it, but we do understand how to kill it and stop the spread. By self quarantining, we do our part in the grand plan of defeating this foe. By keeping ourselves and our homes clean we do our part in the battle that could turn into a war if we allow this to get out of hand.

I myself, have immersed 24/7 in Covid 19 that I feel more then qualified to speak on it. As a community health worker, I feel it is my job to make sure my people are informed and armed with as many resources or tools as their toolbox can hold. Knowledge is information, and information is a resource. A tool added to us to help us accomplish a task.

Before I drop these Covid 19 facts, let me first say a few things.

  • Corona Covid 19 does NOT cause Massive Diarrhea, stop hoarding tissue!
  • Most people with health immune systems will recover
  • Everyone is at risk for catching this virus (no races excluded)
  • Young children, elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are the ones most in danger
  • We should be spending our money on two weeks of groceries that we would normally eat
  • Let us not forget about people in the low income communities who cannot afford to stock up with massive amounts of supplies. They still have children to feed and protect as well.


What Is a Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses known for containing strains that cause potentially deadly diseases in mammals and birds. In humans they’re typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals. https://www.sciencealert.com/coronavirus

The Coronavirus was first found in the 1960s. It was given it’s name due to the crown like shape each cell seamed to wear. The earliest ones discovered were an infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two in human patients with the common cold (later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43).[9] Other members of this family have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 (formerly known as 2019-nCoV) in 2019.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus#Human_coronaviruses

How Coronavirus works is it enters into a person through tiny droplets of water each one of us expels when we breathe or cough out. These tiny, tiny molecules enter into our lungs and immediately starts to send a signal to block our homemade defense systems, but our bodies are built FORD TOUGH! Our immune systems will react and immediately send fighting white blood cells to the rescue. The virus will try to spread throughout your body but taking the right measures will help your immune system beat it very easily.


Call your doctor:  If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.

  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse

Feeling confused lately out of nowhere or, not really feeling motivated to do regular tasks that you normally do everyday. This could be a sign to go get tested.

If you feel as though you may have been exposed, please seek medical care immediately. If you cannot get to doctor or screening site right away. Try to isolate yourself away from everyone as best as possible. No use in taking any chances with your families and loved ones life. While the corona virus can be easily beat in people who have good immune systems. Elderly, and small children are the ones who are most at risk for more serious conditions and some cases even death. We must protect our most vulnerable by being smart and precise with our actions. Together we can defeat this like the president said.

How To Preprare

Here’s a list of things to do I found on the CDC’s Website.

Know the Signs & Symptoms

Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if symptomatic:

  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Call your health care provider’s office in advance of a visit
  • Limit movement in the community
  • Limit visitors

Take Steps for Those at Higher Risk
Know what additional measures those at higher risk and who are vulnerable should take.

Protect Yourself & Family

Implement steps to prevent illness (e.g., stay home when sick, hand washing, respiratory etiquette, clean frequently touched surfaces daily).

Create a household plan of action in case of illness in the household or disruption of daily activities due to COVID-19 in the community.

  • Consider 2-week supply of prescription and over the counter medications, food and other essentials. Know how to get food delivered if possible.
  • Establish ways to communicate with others (e.g., family, friends, co-workers).
  • Establish plans to telework, what to do about childcare needs, how to adapt to cancellation of events.

Know about emergency operations plans for schools/workplaces of household members.

Final Thoughts

As I finish this article, I can’t seem to take my mind off of the people who are less fortunate during this crisis. I couldn’t imagine the challenges organizations like homeless shelters, nursing homes, jails, and prisons will face while trying to fight this. Some have taken measures to protect their populations, but still as I watch how underprepared my own small city is I can’t help but feel tremendous amounts of worry for them. I question how will some people eat if we go on extreme quarantine. I wonder, how many people won’t get tested due to them not having transportation? I question the judgement of pastors who continue to hold church services and functions with full crowds. Sometimes I even wonder what’s the motive behind all this, or better yet what was the reason for creating this virus in the first place. Yes, I am quite the conspiracy theorist! Yet, I balance my personal beliefs with good facts and reason. There is no need for us to live in fear during this time, but I do understand worry. Let us worry together. We will all face similar challenges during this crisis. Some of us will not be able to work because our children will have no one to watch them. Some of us will be restricted home with paid vacation. Some will be forced to face this virus head on, because they work in industries on the frontlines such as hospital staff. Some will get sick and have to fight dearly for their lives. Together we will experience whatever this crisis has to throw at us, because this is what we do as people. We survive! We have survived corona before in the form of sars and, bird flu. We have survived wars, we have survived tragic natural catastrophes, we have survived the ice age, and we will survive COVID-19!

Love persistently conquers all!


The Prison City

Jackson Michigan. A place where we have more bars than schools, literally. We have bars that create cells, and we have bars to eat. We have bars to drink, and even bars where women dance with little to no clothes on. My city is filled with corner stores which sucks every single resource away from the under privileged. Leaving them worse for wear. My city has seen many tears shed from bullets that fly wild, sometimes nightly. Leaving our children grasping for their own self defenses. Our city has seen politicians use it as a footstool for grand careers. Our city has seen Sheriffs with Willie Lynch ways. They segregate, discriminate, and degrade women, openly!

Still my city fights back. See, in my city, Jackson. We have decided that enough is enough. We are tired of living in poverty. We are tired of being trapped in the hamster wheel that society has pinned us in. We are ready to step up and make the hard decisions. For our future. Our children’s future. For ourselves. We have awakened and we no longer fear the change that is needed for our community to grow. We acknowledge our deepest flaws and we now seek knowledge so that we can become strong! Complete and not lacking.

I am but a voice. A voice that speaks for those who can not speak for themselves. I represent my city, Jackson Michigan. The city which ships our young men from schools to prisons. I will be there screaming out injustice. When our city creates policies and laws that unjustly discriminate against low income residents. I will be the voice fighting for equity. When our schools choose to not catered to the needs of all of our children. I will be there to hold them accountable. We must all take this mission up and watch how fast OUR city, Jackson, changes.

Community Living Rooms

The Cure for loneliness

I was fortunate enough to be hired by Community Action Agency to be a part of something newly created called a community living room. In the beginning I had a rough idea of what I thought it would be, but after a year experiencing all that it has to offer I have found it to be so much more than what I imagined it to be. Funded by the State Innovation Model Grant partnering with Henry Ford Allegiance, Community Action Agency, and Jackson Housing Commission teamed up to address several major issues in our community. One being inappropriate use of emergency services, which is something we see happens when you have lots of homelessness and large populations of low income people. Before the judgement let me help you understand why that is. When a person receives disability for instance many of you may not know that the money given to a person with disability is not enough to live off of for a few days let alone a month. What I have come to find out is that most people on disability only receive less than $1,000 a month and are expected to live off of that. When it comes to housing the only affordable choice would be to get into section 8 or another government subsidized apartment. Rent would be based upon income received but that still doesn’t leave you with much money to eat, travel, and entertain yourself for a whole month. People in this situation often struggle with food, transportation, and even telecommunications. All that being said, the major problem is once in a situation like this we often see that family has left or abandoned their relatives, probably thinking that they are housed and safe, but not realizing the biggest problem we see in our community is loneliness. Imagine being 60 to 70 years old and the only friends you have is your chihuahua, and pet cat you’ve had for the last 10 years. Imagine what it would feel like on holidays to have nowhere to go and no one to even care to pick you up. Imagine the first chance you get to get out the house and talk to someone how good it will feel. What studies have shown when people are either homeless or lonely they tend to misuse the emergency room and ambulance services. Let me explain. A homeless person having nowhere to go will often go to the hospitals seeking refuge from the elements. With no insurance they can be treated until stabilized if they have a sickness or emergency, but most of the time they are only seeking hot food and warm shelter. I know it may seem rude of the hospital to not cater to these folks but we must understand that the hospital may need to keep those resources for more pressing medical emergencies. Elderly people will often misuse the Ambulance with calls that could have been seen by their regular primary care doctor.

All that background leads me to the main point of the community living room. The community living room not only addressed both issues mentioned above but they also showed me something about our community. Not all, but a lot of our cities problems could be solved if we came together and listened to not only the people who hold the fancy degrees and make decisions, but also to the people or persons affected most by the problems or situations we are trying to fix. The Community Living room gave people a place where they could decompress from the stress of their own 4 walls allowing them a safe haven to enjoy and socialize. We started the Feed Thy Neighbor Program in the community living room because we saw a need and a opportunity to give more resources. We noticed the more people came for the food the more they stayed to listen to whatever community partners we would bring, or they would participate in our created programs. Seeing this made me think about lessons I learned in the Bible. Jesus would often draw large crowds of people everywhere he went. It was said that he would heal, and feed people before he preached. I think he was showing us the truest form of connection we need is love. When we first show the love it then creates a gateway or a bridge that we can then travel across to reach our goal.

I believe community living rooms should be a part of every neighborhood. Imagine a safe space where you can get connected to any local resource or community partner. Have access to a housing advocate, and a resource specialist. Computers with internet and printers for those who need. TV with cable. Free popcorn and coffee. Warming center in the winter and Air conditioned in the summer. Let us work in continuing the work the SIM grant started. We need more community living rooms. We need more partners involved, all kinds coming together to better the place where we live.

Community Soldiers on the Frontlines

Last wednesday I had a wonderful opportunity to assist Radiant Church, Beacon Church, and Jackson Housing Commission on a mission to feed 300 people in Reed Manor Apartments. One of the hardest things about being on this lockdown is I really miss our residents. The hardest thing to deal with during this covid 19 epidemic is being able to identify who’s sick and who’s not. I myself do not worry about my own life. My life was given to God 7 years ago. I told Him do with me as you wish. I am your instrument. The only thing that bothers me is not knowing if I myself am carrying this virus silently infecting anyone within 6 ft of me. It terrifies me knowing that I could be secretly giving someone I love and care about a death sentence. For this reason I have decided to stay away from everyone including my own son, for their safety.

It does give me great pain and anxiety not being able to be there for the people. When Pastor Wendy messaged me about still doing the pantry I was a little bit conflicted but I understood the reason for her passion and it fueled my own even more. I couldn’t wait to help. With the guidance of Jackson Housing Commission we determined it would not be safe to run the pantry the normal way we use to. We decided instead of making them come to the pantry, we would bring the pantry to them. Each household’s food was bagged ahead of time, and all we had to do was knock and leave at door. That way contact is kept at a minimal. The property manager sent out a letter to every resident in Reed Manor to let them know the date and time we would be knocking giving them instructions to stay inside and wait for the knock.

Anthony Gittens navigating volunteers helping distribute food to Residents of Reed Manor.

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to raise a city. Together we do what needs to be done for the betterment of everyone. One of the biggest life lessons I took from reading the Bible and the teachings of Jesus was that love is the answer to every question. Every situation or challenge a person faces can be countered with love. I noticed that most of the time when Jesus was teaching, he would first do something for the people. He would literally turn himself into a resource specialist and give the people anything they needed, from healing to feeding. Today I use the resources I am blessed with to bless others and as we bless them we establish relationships which encourage positivity, love, and most importantly change. I believe like Jesus, fill them up with as much resources as possible then once full give them knowledge, understanding, and life!

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” 

Coretta Scott King
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