Mind Over Depression

Nobody said life would be easy. They only said it would be hard. I don’t quite remember where I heard this, maybe it was a song, but I say it all the time. I say it so much that I pretty much coined, and rebranded the phrase. When it comes to depression I’ve come to realize that sadness is just, a state of mind. We are the only ones who can determine what’s happiness, and further what’s sadness. When you understand where the true battle lies it will give you some understanding on how to fight the war.

Sadness, like I mentioned before, is subjective. What makes you sad as a person may not make the next person even blink an eye. Understanding this helps me realize that what I’m feeling, is exactly that, just a feeling. A feeling is tied to emotions and emotions can be understood and conquered as well. What helps control the mind is to practice. We have to continually choose to do, sometimes the total opposite of what our first mind says,or wants. For clarification what I’m talking about is redirecting your train of thoughts to match your current will. When I’m in the gym, and my body wants to quit. I often tell myself in my mind. I am the master of this vessel, and you will quit when I tell you to quit! Doing this helps my body to understand that it is not in control, but I am. This is an essential tool when developing personal discipline.

How does this help my depression?

Really there’s no one size fits all approach to mental health. Even doctors in my opinion have a hard time with mental health, because in order for it to work patient, and doctor, both have to be on the same page. When a doctor prescribes a medication he is basically trying to see if this medication will give you the proper chemical balance needed to stabilize your mood. It’s not the medications job to make you happy. Remember happiness is subjective. You have to work closely with your provider in order to let them know what works, and what doesn’t. For me, I chose not to use western medications, and chose to use meditation, and other forms of natural remedies. I realized a long time ago that I control my happiness through gratification.

Gratitude: is being grateful, or thankful. I took a challenge once, and I started everyday with naming things around me that I was grateful for. It started simple like I’m grateful for shelter, for being able to provide, thankful for my wife, and my children. You know things like that. Then I took it even deeper, and started to be thankful for the sun shining, for the moon, for animals, and for all the natural beauties that this world has to offer. Not only did I start truly being thankful for these things. I also started learning, and training myself to appreciate the small things. It’s these small things in life that get overlooked because we are too busy worrying about stressful things. We get so focused on rent, consumers, and car payments that we don’t take the time to enjoy the beauty of the sky as the sun fades across the sky. We don’t take time to appreciate our loved ones, and friends because we are so busy worried about our children, or our careers.

I often consider two voices everyone has inside of their heads. There’s always one really loud voice. I like to call that voice the subconscious. Subconsciousness is being in a state of mind where you’re really not aware consciously to make thought. For example If I told you, today you would be a millionaire. You’re subconscious brain has already said, “Yeah right!” It didn’t have to think about it, but yet the thought just came. That’s because your subconscious is trained, and developed over time. Phycologist have learned that the subconscious brain is developed, and grown through your past experiences, and upbringing. People who grew up poor when told they will be rich will most always reject that, because subconsciously your brain knows it’s class. Rich people on the other hand, when you tell them they will get another million by the end of the day, they will see it as possible and in fact, will get up and try to make it happen.

This is where I’ve learned to control the subconscious mind by rejecting it’s thoughts when the thoughts become negative, and don’t line up with my current goals. Whenever that loud voice blares through telling me that I am sad, or woe is me. I turn it around and start thanking for my troubles, or being grateful for good times I know will come. Learning to decipher the voices is the first step to creating a balanced mind, and the best part is anyone can start at any time. Like I said all it takes is practice. You might fail today, but tomorrow will be better. Constantly remind yourself that every war is not won off of one battle. It takes many wins and losses to win a war. Do not get discouraged. Instead, find new tools to add to your toolbox that will help you win! Everything doesn’t work for everybody. Find what works for you. Talk to your doctor about alternative options, and no matter what, always think positive.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 23:7

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”

Romans 12:2

Published by Justin Counts

I am a community soldier fighting against all injustices, all forms of discrimination, advocating for those who can't speak for themselves. I am a father, a husband, and brother to all!

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